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Friday, December 29, 2017

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (70)

“The Only Limit To Our Realization Of Tomorrow Will Be Our Doubts Of Today.” Take this pre-board exam test to see how good you are in your coming board exam. Are you  ready? Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (70) (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); More...

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Marina Board Exam: What is NOT correct while the vessel is dealing with emergencies in stranding?

Marina Board Exam  What is NOT correct while the vessel is dealing with emergencies in stranding?  A. Report the accident to the Charterers  B. Engine stopped  C. Watertight doors closed  D. Lights / shapes exhibited  ...

Marina Exam Reviewer: In the event of collision in calm weather, the colliding ship should generally remain embedded:

Marina Exam Reviewer:  In the event of collision in calm weather, the colliding ship should generally remain embedded:  A. allow crew members and passengers to transfer from the holed vessel  B. to the colliding vessel the colliding ship must pull out...

Marina Board Exam: What is the safety call when giving warning to the vessel in the vicinity when your vessel had the engine breakdown?

Marina Board Exam   What is the safety call when giving warning to the vessel in the vicinity when your vessel had the engine breakdown?  A. Mayday spoken 3 times at frequent intervals  B. Securities spoken 3 times at frequent intervals  C. PAN...

Marina Exam Reviewer: Which statement concerning GMDSS Radio Operator requirements is FALSE?

Marina Exam Reviewer Which statement concerning GMDSS Radio Operator requirements is FALSE?  A. Communications involving safety of life at sea do not have to be logged as long as the compulsory vessel was not involved in such communications .  B. Each compulsory...

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (69)

“We Generate Fears While We Sit. We Overcome Them By Action.” Check out this fun and easy ways to study your review Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (69) (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); More pre-board exam here: Marina Exam Reviewer...

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (68)

“Knowing Is Not Enough; We Must Apply. Wishing Is Not Enough; We Must Do.” Bring new energy to your studies with these fun quiz games (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); More pre-board exam here: Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (6...

Friday, December 15, 2017

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (67)

“You Learn More From Failure Than From Success. Don’t Let It Stop You. Failure Builds Character.” Worried for the upcoming board exam? Try this simple pre-board exam test to know how good are you. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); More...

Marina Exam Reviewer : Which signal is required to be sounded by a powerdriven vessel ONLY?

Marina Exam Reviewer  Which signal is required to be sounded by a powerdriven vessel ONLY?  A. A signal meaning, I am altering my course to starboard.  B. A signal meaning that the vessel sounding it is in doubt as to the other vessels actions.  C....

Marina Board Exam : You are crossing the course of another vessel which is to your starboard. You have reached an agreement by radiotelephone to pass astern of the other vessel. You MUST __________.

Marina Board Exam  You are crossing the course of another vessel which is to your starboard. You have reached an agreement by radiotelephone to pass astern of the other vessel. You MUST __________.  A. sound one short blast  B. sound two short blasts  C....

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Marina Exam Reviewer: What is the action that a GMDSS Radio Operator should take when a DSC distress alert is received?

Marina Exam Reviewer     What is the action that a GMDSS Radio Operator should take when a DSC distress alert is received?  A. The Operator should immediately set continuous watch on the NBDP frequency that is associated with the frequency band on which...

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (66)

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. Doing well in your board exam review? Want to challenge yourself? Try our pre-board exam here:  ...

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (65)

The harder you work for something, the greater you'll feel when you finally achieve it.  Get set for exam success with this simple pre-board exam test. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); More pre-board exam here: Marina Exam Reviewer...

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Marina Board Exam: Which of the following action should you take if a crew member has just fallen overboard off your port side?

Marina Board Exam  Which of the following action should you take if a crew member has just fallen overboard off your port side?  A. Immediately put the engines astern  B. Immediately put the rudder over hard starboard  C. Wait until the stern is well...

Marina Exam Reviewer : While your vessel is underway at sea and one of your crew member falls overboard from the starboard side. What should be the FIRST thing to do?

Marina Exam Reviewer  While your vessel is underway at sea and one of your crew member falls overboard from the starboard side. What should be the FIRST thing to do?  A. immediately throw the crew member a life preserver  B. immediately begin backing your...

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (64)

"Success doesn't just come and find you, you have to go out and get it." This test will determine how good you are in your board exam review. Are you ready? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); More pre-board exam here: Marina Exam Reviewer...

Monday, December 11, 2017

Marina Board Exam: Which type of emergency equipment is independent of outside air and suited for use in a compartment readiness for launching with oxygen?

Marina Board Exam  Which type of emergency equipment is independent of outside air and suited for use in a compartment readiness for launching with oxygen?  A. AllService Gas Masks (Navy type)  B. service gas mask used by caost guards  C. face mask  D....

Marina Exam Reviewer: When a man who is conscious has fallen overboard is being picked up by a lifeboat, the boat should approach with the wind __________.

Marina Exam Reviewer  When a man who is conscious has fallen overboard is being picked up by a lifeboat, the boat should approach with the wind __________.  A. just off the bow and the victim to leeward  B. astern and the victim just off the bow  C....

Marina Board Exam: Several merchant ships are arriving at the scene of a distress incident. One of them must assume the duties of the Coordinator Surface Search (CSS). Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Marina Board Exam  Several merchant ships are arriving at the scene of a distress incident. One of them must assume the duties of the Coordinator Surface Search (CSS). Which of the following statements is TRUE?  A. CSS duties are always assumed by passenger vessels,...

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (63)

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Doing well in your board exam review? Want to challenge yourself? Try our online test here:  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); More pre-board exam here: Marina Exam Reviewer Practice...

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (62)

“Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” This test will determine how good you are at your board exam revie...

Marina Exam Reviewer: This system divides the crew into teams which should be trained in their various functions so that when an emergency occurs, the whole crew swings into actions.

Marina Exam Reviewer This system divides the crew into teams which should be trained in their various functions so that when an emergency occurs, the whole crew swings into actions.  A. emergency gear system  B. emergency maneuver system  C. back-up team  D....

Marina Exam ReviewerUpon colliding with another vessel in calm weather, the engines should be stopped. Which of the following would NOT immediately be done?

Marina Exam Reviewer: Upon colliding with another vessel in calm weather, the engines should be stopped. Which of the following would NOT immediately be done?  A. sound general alarm  B. put the engines astern  C. close watertight doors  D....

Marina Board Exam: After grounding, the extent of the damage to the vessel can determined by:

Marina Board Exam:  After grounding, the extent of the damage to the vessel can determined by:  A. testing if the engine is still working  B. checking if the engine room of flooded  C. taking sounding around the vessels  D. sounding of all com...

Marina Exam Reviewer: When vessel is stranded, the engineers should be warned to:

Marina Exam Reviewer  When vessel is stranded, the engineers should be warned to:  A. change from low level water intakes to high level water intakes  B. change from high level water intakes to low level water intakes  C. change watch every 4 hours  D....

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (61)

The road to your dreams isn’t always easy to navigate, sometimes dotted with mountains to climb, obstacles to overcome—and hard, mind-numbing times that will make you feel like quitting. Just remember this if you get lost along the way: Anything worth having doesn’t come...

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (60)

“There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits.”  Bring new energy to your studies with these fun quiz games Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (60) (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); More...

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Marina Exam Reviewer: What is one of the methods used by an aircraft to attract a vessels attention for participation in a rescue operation?

Marina Exam Reviewer What is one of the methods used by an aircraft to attract a vessels attention for participation in a rescue operation?  A. Circle the vessel.  B. Dropping smoke signal.  C. Flashing landing lights.  D. Diving from high attitude.  (adsbygoogle...

Marina Exam Reviewer: When evacuating a seaman by helicopter lift, which course should the ship take?

Marina Exam Reviewer When evacuating a seaman by helicopter lift, which course should the ship take?  A. A course that will keep a free flow of air, clear of smoke, over the hoist area.  B. With the wind dead ahead because the helicopter is more maneuverable...

Marina Board Exam: In radiotelephone communications, the prefix PAN-PAN indicates that __________.

Marina Board Exam  In radiotelephone communications, the prefix PAN-PAN indicates that __________.  A. the message following the prefix will be about the safety of navigation  B. a ship is threatened by grave and imminent danger and requests immediate assistance  C....

Marina Exam Reviewer: In a man overboard situation, besides saving distance along the track line, what is the other advantage of the Scharnow Turn over the Williamson Turn?

Marina Exam Reviewer In a man overboard situation, besides saving distance along the track line, what is the other advantage of the Scharnow Turn over the Williamson Turn?  A. In fog, if the turn is started as soon as the man goes over, the vessel will be at the point...

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (59)

“Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.” Get set for exam success with this fun quiz game Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (59) ...

Friday, December 1, 2017

Marina Exam Reviewer: Your vessel has grounded on a bar. What should you do?

Marina Exam Reviewer  Your vessel has grounded on a bar. What should you do?  A. All of the above  B. Switch to the high suction for condenser circulating water, if it is submerged.  C. If you cannot get clear immediately, lighten the ship by pumping...

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (58)

“Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.”  Doing well in your board exam review? Want to challenge yourself? Try our online test here:  Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (58) (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); More...

Marina Exam Reviewer: Which general statement concerning radar is FALSE?

Marina Exam Reviewer Which general statement concerning radar is FALSE?  A. Radar should be checked regularly during clear weather to ensure that it is operating properly.  B. The ability of radar to detect objects is unaffected by weather conditions.  C....

Marina Exam Reviewer: Two navigational hazards are located near to each other, but each marked by an individual cardinal buoyage system. The buoys of one cardinal system may be identified from the other system by __.

Marina Exam Reviewer Two navigational hazards are located near to each other, but each marked by an individual cardinal buoyage system. The buoys of one cardinal system may be identified from the other system by __.  A. one system using horizontal bands while the...

Marina Board Exam: Passing signals shall be sounded on inland waters by __________.

Marina Board Exam   Passing signals shall be sounded on inland waters by __________.  A. a towing vessel when meeting another towing vessel on a clear day with a 0.6 mile CPA (Closest Point of Approach)  B. all vessels upon sighting another vessel rounding...

Marina Exam Reviewer: Your vessel is proceeding down a channel, and can safely navigate only within the channel. Another vessel is crossing your bow from port to starboard, and you are in doubt as to her intentions. Which statement is TRUE?

Marina Exam Reviewer Your vessel is proceeding down a channel, and can safely navigate only within the channel. Another vessel is crossing your bow from port to starboard, and you are in doubt as to her intentions. Which statement is TRUE?  A. The sounding of the...

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Marina Exam Reviewer: When evacuating a seaman by helicopter lift, which statement is TRUE?

Marina Exam Reviewer When evacuating a seaman by helicopter lift, which statement is TRUE?  A. The litter should not be touched until it has been grounded.  B. The vessel should be slowed to bare steerageway.  C. If the hoist is at the stern, booms extending...

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (57)

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” —Eleanor Roosevelt Are you ready for your board exam? Try this pre-board exam test to know how good are you. Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (57) (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ||...

Marina Board Exam: Which of the following statements about transmitting distress messages by radiotelephone is INCORRECT?

Marina Board Exam  Which of the following statements about transmitting distress messages by radiotelephone is INCORRECT?  A. It is advisable to follow a distress message on 2182 kHz by two dashes of 10 to 15 seconds duration.  B. If no answer is received...

Marina Exam Reviewer: Which communications functions must all vessels be capable of performing under GMDSS as defined by the International Maritime Organization?

Marina Exam Reviewer  Which communications functions must all vessels be capable of performing under GMDSS as defined by the International Maritime Organization?  A. All communications possible within the International Safety-NET service  B. Radio direction...