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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Marina Exam Reviewer: Which statement concerning the sources of drinking water is FALSE?

Which statement concerning the sources of drinking water is FALSE?  A. Fresh water may be obtained from fish.  B. Lifeboat covers or canopies should be washed with rain before drinking water is collected.  C. Fresh water may be collected from condensation...

Monday, October 30, 2017

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (41)

Hard work brings prosperity; playing around brings poverty. Doing well in your board exam review? Try our pre-board exam here:  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); More Exam Here: Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (40...

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Marina Exam Reviewer: If a crew member has fallen overboard during the hours of darkness and you immediately execute a Williamson turn, what is the primary advantage of this maneuver under these circumstance exams?

Marina Exam Reviewer If a crew member has fallen overboard during the hours of darkness and you immediately execute a Williamson turn, what is the primary advantage of this maneuver under these circumstance exams?  A. The turn enables you to reverse course in the...

Marina Exam Reviewer: When beaching a ship to avoid immediate danger of foundering, it is ideal to do so at/on __________ so that the ship settles slowly, rather than drive her hard ashore and strain the bottom plating.

Marina Exam Reviewer When beaching a ship to avoid immediate danger of foundering, it is ideal to do so at/on __________ so that the ship settles slowly, rather than drive her hard ashore and strain the bottom plating.  A. spring tide  B. full moon  C. neap...

Marina Exam Reviewer: When a parallel track search pattern is being carried out, the course of the search units should normally be which of the following?

Marina Exam Reviewer When a parallel track search pattern is being carried out, the course of the search units should normally be which of the following?  A. In the same direction as the anticipated drift  B. In the opposite direction of the anticipated drift C....

Marina Board Exam: Which of the following actions is NOT to be taken following a collision:

Marina Board Exam Which of the following actions is NOT to be taken following a collision:  A. discharge or probable discharge of harmful substances to be reported to the nearest coast radio station  B. survival craft should be made ready for abandoning ship...

Marina Exam Reviewer: Your ARPA has been tracking a target and has generated the targets course and speed. The radar did not receive a target echo on its last two scans due to the weather. What should you expect under these circumstances?

Marina Exam Reviewer Your ARPA has been tracking a target and has generated the targets course and speed. The radar did not receive a target echo on its last two scans due to the weather. What should you expect under these circumstances?  A. the ARPA will generate...

Marina Board Exam: Your ARPA has automatic speed inputs from the log. Due to currents, the log is indicating a faster speed than the speed over the grounds. What should you expect under these circumstances?

Marina Board Exam Your ARPA has automatic speed inputs from the log. Due to currents, the log is indicating a faster speed than the speed over the grounds. What should you expect under these circumstances?  A. The targets true course vector will be in error.  B....

Marina Exam Reviewer: When using an ARPA, what should you consider in order to evaluate the information displayed?

Marina Exam Reviewer When using an ARPA, what should you consider in order to evaluate the information displayed?  A. The trial maneuver feature will automatically determine a course that will clear all targets.  B. You cannot determine if a small target has...

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (40)

Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're done. Are you ready for your board exam? Try our free online test here: ...

Marina Exam Reviewer: You are the Senior Deck Officer of a vessel involved in a collision. All necessary actions to ensure safety of crew and vessel has been taken. What shall you then tell the Sen. Deck Off. on the other vessel?

Marina Exam Reviewer You are the Senior Deck Officer of a vessel involved in a collision. All necessary actions to ensure safety of crew and vessel has been taken. What shall you then tell the Sen. Deck Off. on the other vessel?  A. That you are sorry for the collision.  B....

Marina Exam Reviewer: Your vessel has been holed in #1 hold and partially flooded. The hole is plugged against further flooding. In calculating the effect of the flooding on your transverse stability, you should use which method?

Marina Exam Reviewer   Your vessel has been holed in #1 hold and partially flooded. The hole is plugged against further flooding. In calculating the effect of the flooding on your transverse stability, you should use which method?  A. Factor of subdivision...

Marina Exam Reviewer: Which step should be taken, if possible, when the vessel must be abandoned because of a distress situation?

Marina Exam Reviewer Which step should be taken, if possible, when the vessel must be abandoned because of a distress situation?  A. Program the SART and EPIRB to transmit the vessel's location and situation.  B. Place the SART and EPIRB in the "ON" position...

Marina Board Exam: Which situation requires you to furnish a notice of marine casualty to the coast guard?

Marina Board Exam Which situation requires you to furnish a notice of marine casualty to the coast guard?  A. Your vessel is at anchor and grounds at low tide with no apparent damage  B. Storm damage to the cargo winch motors requiring repairs costing $19,000  C....

Marina Exam Reviewer: Your vessel has been involved in a collision. As master you have to write about the accident in the log-book. In order to only write the facts in the logbook, which of the following procedures do you find most correct?

Marina Exam Reviewer Your vessel has been involved in a collision. As master you have to write about the accident in the log-book. In order to only write the facts in the logbook, which of the following procedures do you find most correct?  A. Write down the story...

Marina Exam Questions: You are attempting to take a dead ship in tow. All lines have been passed and secured. How should you get underway?

Marina Exam Questions You are attempting to take a dead ship in tow. All lines have been passed and secured. How should you get underway?  A. Order minimum turns until the towing hawser is taut and then continue at that speed until towing speed is attained.  B....

Marina Board Exam: You are proceeding to a distress site where the survivors are in liferafts. Which action will assist in making your vessel more visible to the survivors?

Marina Board Exam You are proceeding to a distress site where the survivors are in liferafts. Which action will assist in making your vessel more visible to the survivors?  A. Steering a zigzag course with 5 to 10 minutes on each leg.  B. Steering a sinuous course.  C....

Marina Exam Questions: You are signing on a deck officer who will be designated as one of the GMDSS operators before sailing foreign. Which statement is true?

Marina Exam Questions You are signing on a deck officer who will be designated as one of the GMDSS operators before sailing foreign. Which statement is true?  A. You must consult the List of Qualifications on the reverse of his/her FCCissued license.  B. His/her...

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (39)

Ambition is the first step to success. The second step is action. Bring new energy to your studies with these fun quiz games (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); More test here: Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (38...

Marina Exam Reviewer: After a collision or accident involving an uninspected vessel, regulations require that the operator assist persons affected, but only if the operator can do so without __________.

Marina Exam Reviewer After a collision or accident involving an uninspected vessel, regulations require that the operator assist persons affected, but only if the operator can do so without __________.  A. serious danger to his or her own vessel  B. further...

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Marina Exam Reviewer: You are on a vessel that has broken down and are preparing to be taken in tow. You will use your anchor cable as part of the towline. Which statement is TRUE?

Marina Exam Reviewer You are on a vessel that has broken down and are preparing to be taken in tow. You will use your anchor cable as part of the towline. Which statement is TRUE?  A. The strain of the tow is taken by the riding pawl chain stopper and anchor windlass...

Marina Board Exam: What will be the action of each vessel after the collision accident?

Marina Board Exam  What will be the action of each vessel after the collision accident?  A. The stable vessel should standby to assist the vessel in most distress  B. Reports to the Charterers the incident and continue the voyage  C. After logging...

Marina Exam Reviewer: The abbreviation HEL-H of helicopter radius of action for rescue purposes. What are the radius and evacuating capacity of the helicopter?

Marina Exam Reviewer The abbreviation HEL-H of helicopter radius of action for rescue purposes. What are the radius and evacuating capacity of the helicopter?  A. 150 nm and capacity for evacuating more than 12 persons.  B. 200 nm and capacity for evacuating...

Marina Exam Reviewer: Your vessel have been in collision with an other vessel. You are taking in water and you have to prepare for leaving the vessel. How will you act?

Marina Exam Reviewer Your vessel have been in collision with an other vessel. You are taking in water and you have to prepare for leaving the vessel. How will you act?  A. Send a distress message and collect survival suits / thermal bags  B. Assist your friends...

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (38)

"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough." Doing well in your board exam review? Try our online test here:  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); More test here: Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test...

Marina Board Exam: While underway, a vessel over 100,000 gross tons with an automatic identification systems (AIS) is expected to broadcast all of the following information every 1 to 10 seconds EXCEPT __________.

Marina Board Exam While underway, a vessel over 100,000 gross tons with an automatic identification systems (AIS) is expected to broadcast all of the following information every 1 to 10 seconds EXCEPT __________.  A. rate of turn  B. ship's heading  C. navigational...

4 Pinoy seamen kidnapped in Nigerian waters

BERLIN - Six crew from a German container vessel have been kidnapped in Nigerian waters. Four of those taken are Filipinos, and one is a Ukrainian national, according to the Philippine Department of Labor and Ukrainian foreign ministr...

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Marina Board Exam: Which data must ECDIS be able to record at oneminute intervals?

Marina Board Exam Which data must ECDIS be able to record at oneminute intervals?  A. Speed through the water  B. Estimated time of arrival  C. Course made good history  D. Shaft RPM ...

Marina Exam Reviewer: When the gyro-pilot is used for steering what control is adjusted to compensate for varying sea conditions?

Marina Exam Reviewer When the gyro-pilot is used for steering what control is adjusted to compensate for varying sea conditions?  A. Weather adjustment  B. Sea control  C. Lost motion adjustment  D. Rudder control  ...

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (37)

“Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” Can you pass this pre-board exam test without a single mistake? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Want more pre-board exam test? Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test...

Marina Exam Questions: An ECDIS is required to display which information?

Marina Exam Questions An ECDIS is required to display which information?  A. Waypoints  B. Meteorological data  C. Radar targets  D. Soundings  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});...

Marina Exam Reviewer: Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding automatic identification systems (AIS) ?

Marina Exam Reviewer Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding automatic identification systems (AIS) ?  A. AIS can be used to make passing arrangements via ship-to-ship text massaging thus relieving a vessel operator from making such arrangements via bridge-to-bridge...

Marina Exam Reviewer: ECDIS must have the capability to preserve the record of the track for the previous __________.

Marina Exam Reviewer  ECDIS must have the capability to preserve the record of the track for the previous __________.  A. 6 hours  B. 12 hours  C. 24 hours  D. 18 hours ...

Marina Exam Questions: The Component of the IBS that allows a navigator to see an integrated navigation and tactical display and to avoid navigational hazard is:

Marina Exam Questions The Component of the IBS that allows a navigator to see an integrated navigation and tactical display and to avoid navigational hazard is:  A. System display unit  B. Tactical display unit  C. Control system  D. RADAR  (adsbygoogle...

Marina Board Exam: The Component of the IBS which contains the heart of the whole sysytem is the:

Marina Board Exam The Component of the IBS which contains the heart of the whole sysytem is the:  A. Chart data base  B. Planning station  C. Control system  D. RADAR  ...

Marina Exam Questions: This is the ship's electronic data base used in the ECDIS Sytem

Marina Exam Questions  This is the ship's electronic data base used in the ECDIS Sytem  A. maps  B. Digital Chart  C. Electronic Nautical Chart  D. Chart data base (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});...

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (36)

“Sometimes you don’t realize your own strength until you come face to face with your greatest weakness.” Doing well in your board exam review? Want to challenge yourself? Try our online test here:  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); More...

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (35)

“Hard work doesn't guarantee success, but improves its chances.” Take this pre-board exam test to see how good are you in your board exam review (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); More Questions here: Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test...

Monday, October 23, 2017

Marina Exam Reviewer: The light which may be used with a vessels whistle must be __________.

Marina Exam Reviewer The light which may be used with a vessels whistle must be __________.  A. a white light  B. used only at night  C. used prior to sounding the whistle  D. used when the whistle is broken (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ||...

Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (34)

"There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs." Bring new energy to your studies with these fun quiz games (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Looking for pre-board exam test? Feel free to browse this page Marina Exam...

Marina Exam Reviewer: At night you observe a vessel ahead show three flashes of a white light. This signal indicates that the vessel ahead is __________ .

Marina Exam Reviewer At night you observe a vessel ahead show three flashes of a white light. This signal indicates that the vessel ahead is __________ .  A. operating astern propulsion  B. intending to overtake another vessel  C. in distress  D. approaching...

Marina Board Exam: With regards to ARPA, what does the lost target warning tell?

Marina Board Exam With regards to ARPA, what does the lost target warning tell?  A. Display failure  B. Radar failure  C. Computer failure  D. Target can no longer be plotted ...

Marina Exam Reviewer: Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding automatic identification systems (AIS)?

Marina Exam Reviewer  Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding automatic identification systems (AIS)?  A. AIS will not provide information on another vessel if that vessel is indistinguishable in radar sea clutter.  B. AIS provides near...