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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Marina Guide Questionnaires- Preboard Exam (134)

We have a Guide Questionnaires of Marina exam which you can use to review for the Marina Licensure Exam. Take this exam if you are preparing for your Marina Licensure Exam.    This is a Practice Mode of Pre-board exam.  You can view the right answer right...

Friday, June 29, 2018

Marina Guide Questionnaires- Preboard Exam (133)

We have a Guide Questionnaires of Marina exam which you can use to review for the Marina Licensure Exam. Take this exam if you are preparing for your Marina Licensure Exam.    This is a Practice Mode of Pre-board exam.  You can view the right answer right...

Marina Exam Reviewer: In determining the scope of cable to be used when anchoring, what would NOT be considered?

Marina Exam Reviewer In determining the scope of cable to be used when anchoring, what would NOT be considered?  A. Type of anchor cable  B. maintenance cost for the chain  C. Depth of the water  D. Character of the holding ground ...

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Marina Exam Reviewer: When will the float-free emergency position indicating radio beacon be activated after abandoning ship?

Marina Exam Reviewer When will the float-free emergency position indicating radio beacon be activated after abandoning ship?  A. Immediately after floating free  B. After about one hour when the salt water activates the battery  C. Only when keyed...

Marina Guide Questionnaires- Preboard Exam (132)

We have a Guide Questionnaires of Marina exam which you can use to review for the Marina Licensure Exam. Take this exam if you are preparing for your Marina Licensure Exam.    This is a Practice Mode of Pre-board exam.  You can view the right answer right...

Marina Exam Reviewer: A seaplane underway on the water shall carry which lights and shapes?

Marina Exam Reviewer A seaplane underway on the water shall carry which lights and shapes?  A. No lights and shapes prescribed for seaplanes  B. Same lights and shapes as prescribed in Rule 23  C. Same lights and shapes as prescribed in Rule 31  D....

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Marina Exam Reviewer: You have made a turning circle at full speed in deep water. You are now going to make one with initial speed, slow ahead. Do you think the diameter will differ from that of initial full ahead?

Marina Exam Reviewer You have made a turning circle at full speed in deep water. You are now going to make one with initial speed, slow ahead. Do you think the diameter will differ from that of initial full ahead?  A. The diameter will be the same whatever initial...

Marina Guide Questionnaires- Preboard Exam (131)

We have a Guide Questionnaires of Marina exam which you can use to review for the Marina Licensure Exam. Take this exam if you are preparing for your Marina Licensure Exam.    This is a Practice Mode of Pre-board exam.  You can view the right answer right...

Marina Exam Reviewer: The easiest way to anchor a vessel in a current is to __________.

Marina Exam Reviewer The easiest way to anchor a vessel in a current is to __________.  A. stem the current and make very slow headway when the anchor is dropped  B. stem the current and endeavor to make neither headway nor sternway when the anchor is dropped  C....

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Marina Guide Questionnaires- Preboard Exam (130)

We have a Guide Questionnaires of Marina exam which you can use to review for the Marina Licensure Exam. Take this exam if you are preparing for your Marina Licensure Exam.    This is a Practice Mode of Pre-board exam.  You can view the right answer right...

Marina Exam Reviewer: You have made a turning test on full speed in deep water. You are now going to make a test in shallow water. Do you think the turning diameter will be the same?

Marina Exam Reviewer You have made a turning test on full speed in deep water. You are now going to make a test in shallow water. Do you think the turning diameter will be the same?  A. Yes, it will be the same provided the UKC is 25 % - 50 %.  B. No, the turning...

Marina Exam Reviewer: A person who sees someone fall overboard should __________.

Marina Exam Reviewer A person who sees someone fall overboard should __________.  A. go to the bridge for the distress flares  B. run to the radio room to send an emergency message  C. immediately jump in the water to assist the individual  D. call...

Monday, June 25, 2018

Marina Guide Questionnaires- Preboard Exam (129)

We have a Guide Questionnaires of Marina exam which you can use to review for the Marina Licensure Exam. Take this exam if you are preparing for your Marina Licensure Exam.    This is a Practice Mode of Pre-board exam.  You can view the right answer right...

Marina Exam Reviewer: With a given load on the cargo hook, the thrust on a cargo boom _____.

Marina Exam Reviewer With a given load on the cargo hook, the thrust on a cargo boom _____.  A. is greatest at an angle of 45º and decreases as the boom is raised or lowered  B. increases as the angle to the horizontal increases  C. increases as the angle...

Marina Exam Reviewer: Proper stowage for cardboard cartons is __________:

Marina Exam Reviewer: Proper stowage for cardboard cartons is __________:  A. brick fashion, with an upper carton resting on two cartons below it  B. where one carton rests directly on top of another  C. with the large cartons on the bottom and small ones...

Marina Exam Reviewer: When no RU (Rescue Unit), but a number of merchant vessels are participating in a search and rescue operation, one of the vessels should be designated as CSS ( Coordinator Surface Search), Which practice should be followed in designation of the CSS?

Marina Exam Reviewer When no RU (Rescue Unit), but a number of merchant vessels are participating in a search and rescue operation, one of the vessels should be designated as CSS ( Coordinator Surface Search), Which practice should be followed in designation of the...

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Marina Exam Reviewer: Which of the following is an example of a fundamental objective of cargo stowage?

Marina Exam Reviewer Which of the following is an example of a fundamental objective of cargo stowage?  A. Load so that trim does not exceed 3’ by the stern  B. Separate wet and dry cargoes into separate hold  C. Prevent over carriage by block stowage  D....

Marina Guide Questionnaires- Preboard Exam (128)

We have a Guide Questionnaires of Marina exam which you can use to review for the Marina Licensure Exam. Take this exam if you are preparing for your Marina Licensure Exam.    This is a Practice Mode of Pre-board exam.  You can view the right answer right...

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Marina Guide Questionnaires- Preboard Exam (127)

We have a Guide Questionnaires of Marina exam which you can use to review for the Marina Licensure Exam. Take this exam if you are preparing for your Marina Licensure Exam.    This is a Practice Mode of Pre-board exam.  You can view the right answer right...

Friday, June 22, 2018

Marina Exam Reviewer: An all-round white light which flashes simultaneously with the ship s whistle when signifying a course change _______.

Marina Exam Reviewer An all-round white light which flashes simultaneously with the ship s whistle when signifying a course change _______.  A. manuevering light  B. anchor light  C. Morse light  D. signal light  ...

Marina Guide Questionnaires- Preboard Exam (126)

We have a Guide Questionnaires of Marina exam which you can use to review for the Marina Licensure Exam. Take this exam if you are preparing for your Marina Licensure Exam.    This is a Practice Mode of Pre-board exam.  You can view the right answer right...

Marina Exam Reviewer: On a reefer vessel, the compartment has been prepared and cooled to the loading temperature. This makes the vessel ready for ______.

Marina Exam Reviewer On a reefer vessel, the compartment has been prepared and cooled to the loading temperature. This makes the vessel ready for ______.  A. the loading of reefer cargoes  B. ocular inspection by Port State inspections  C. Inspection of...

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Marina Guide Questionnaires- Preboard Exam (125)

We have a Guide Questionnaires of Marina exam which you can use to review for the Marina Licensure Exam. Take this exam if you are preparing for your Marina Licensure Exam.    This is a Practice Mode of Pre-board exam.  You can view the right answer right...

Marina Exam Reviewer: In case of loss overboard of packaged of marine pollutants into the sea what must be done?

Marina Exam Reviewer In case of loss overboard of packaged of marine pollutants into the sea what must be done?  A. Immediately conduct retrieval operation then report to the owners  B. Report the incident by the fastest telecom channel to the CSO and wait for...

Marina Exam Reviewer: You are in charge of a twinscrew vessel going ahead with rudders amidships. If suddenly the port screw stops turning, the bow will:

Marina Exam Reviewer You are in charge of a twinscrew vessel going ahead with rudders amidships. If suddenly the port screw stops turning, the bow will:  A. go to starboard  B. not veer to either side  C. go first to port and then to starboard  D....

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Marina Guide Questionnaires- Preboard Exam (124)

We have a Guide Questionnaires of Marina exam which you can use to review for the Marina Licensure Exam. Take this exam if you are preparing for your Marina Licensure Exam.    This is a Practice Mode of Pre-board exam.  You can view the right answer right...

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Marina Guide Questionnaires- Preboard Exam (123)

We have a Guide Questionnaires of Marina exam which you can use to review for the Marina Licensure Exam. Take this exam if you are preparing for your Marina Licensure Exam.    This is a Practice Mode of Pre-board exam.  You can view the right answer right...

Marina Exam Reviewer: Does a vessel's trim has any influence on steering abilities?

Marina Exam Reviewer Does a vessel's trim has any influence on steering abilities?  A. No, it is usually best to have no trim at all  B. No, the vessel will have the same steering ability unaffected by trim  C. Yes, a vessel usually steer better if trimmed...

Marina Exam Reviewer: The effect of ocean current is usually more evident on a tug and tow than on a tug navigating independently because the __________.

Marina Exam Reviewer The effect of ocean current is usually more evident on a tug and tow than on a tug navigating independently because the __________.  A. towline catches the current  B. current causes yawing  C. speed of the tug and tow is less  D....

Marina Exam Reviewer: In the vicinity of a collision area, which of the following equipment should be ready?

Marina Exam Reviewer In the vicinity of a collision area, which of the following equipment should be ready?  A. firefighting equipment  B. an explosive gas meter  C. intercom telephone  D. oxygen analyzer ...

Monday, June 18, 2018

Marina Guide Questionnaires- Preboard Exam (122)

We have a Guide Questionnaires of Marina exam which you can use to review for the Marina Licensure Exam. Take this exam if you are preparing for your Marina Licensure Exam.    This is a Practice Mode of Pre-board exam.  You can view the right answer right...

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Marina Guide Questionnaires- Preboard Exam (121)

We have a Guide Questionnaires of Marina exam which you can use to review for the Marina Licensure Exam. Take this exam if you are preparing for your Marina Licensure Exam.    This is a Practice Mode of Pre-board exam.  You can view the right answer right...

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Marina Guide Questionnaires- Preboard Exam (120)

We have a Guide Questionnaires of Marina exam which you can use to review for the Marina Licensure Exam. Take this exam if you are preparing for your Marina Licensure Exam.    This is a Practice Mode of Pre-board exam.  You can view the right answer right...