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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Marina Board Exam: For the deepest water when negotiationg a bend in a river, you should always navigate your vessel__________.

Marina Board Exam

Marina Board Exam

For the deepest water when negotiationg a bend in a river, you should always navigate your vessel__________. 

A. toward the outside bend of the river 
B. toward the inside bend of the river 
C. toward the center of the river just before the bend, then change course for the rivers center after the bend 
D. toward inside or outside bend of the river 


Marina Exam Reviewer: You plot a fix in three lines of position and find they intersect in a triangle. The actual position of the vessel _______________ .

Marina Exam Reviewer

Marina Exam Reviewer

You plot a fix in three lines of position and find they intersect in a triangle. The actual position of the vessel _______________ .

A. is outside of the triangle 
B. maybe anywhere in the triangle 
C. may be inside or outside of the triangle 
D. is the geometric center of the triangle


Marina Board Exam: A running fix is a position obtained by __________?

Marina Board Exam

Marina Board Exam

A running fix is a position obtained by __________? 

A. taking multiple lines of position from one object at different times and advancing them to a common time 
B. taking two lines of position from different points of one object at different times 
C. taking multiple lines of position from different objects at different times 
D. a combination of a line position from one object and a range and distance from another object at different times 


Marina Exam for OIC: The visibility of the lights indicated in the charts is in nautical miles for:

Marina Exam for OIC
Marina Exam for OIC

The visibility of the lights indicated in the charts is in nautical miles for:

A. geographic range of the light
B. luminous of light 
C. charted range of the light 


Marina Exam Reviewer: A position adjusted for the estimated effects of leeway, tidal stream currents and surface drift.

Marina Exam Reviewer

Marina Exam Reviewer
A position adjusted for the estimated effects of leeway, tidal stream currents and surface drift. 

A. Estimated position 
B. Set position 
C. Fix position 
D. DR position


Friday, September 29, 2017

Marina Board Exam: Which is used to ensure that a ship remains within a safe area or is not approaching a danger?

Marina Board Exam
Marina Board Exam

Which is used to ensure that a ship remains within a safe area or is not approaching a danger? 

A. geographical range 
B. clearing mark 
C. parallel indexing 
D. head mark 


Marina Exam Reviewer: The direction of tidal current in the open ocean is _________.

Marina Exam Reviewer

Marina Exam Reviewer

The direction of tidal current in the open ocean is _________. 

A. rotary 
B. non-rotary 
C. horizontal 
D. vertical 


Marina Exam for OIC: In mercator sailing, distance is obtained by multiplying ___________.

Marina Exam for OIC
Marina Exam for OIC

In mercator sailing, distance is obtained by multiplying ___________. 

A. DMP and Cosine Course 
B. Dlat and Cosine Course 
C. Dlat and Sine Course 
D. Dlat and Secant Course 


Marina Exam Reviewer: The nominal range of a light may be accurately defined as a maximum distance at which a light may be seen:

Marina Exam Reviewer

Marina Exam Reviewer

The nominal range of a light may be accurately defined as a maximum distance at which a light may be seen: 

A. under existing visibility conditions 
B. with 10 miles visibility 
C. with 15 miles visibility 
D. under perfect visibility


Marina Board Exam: Why is the height of the tide in the Tide Table essential in determining the true depth of water at any time than shown in the chart?

Marina Board Exam

Marina Board Exam

Why is the height of the tide in the Tide Table essential in determining the true depth of water at any time than shown in the chart?

A. The height of the tide may be checked readily by taking soundings to be sure of the keel clearance from the bottom 
B. If the height of the tide is equal to the charted depth is an alarm that the ship may touch bottom 
C. The depth of the water at any time is obtained by adding the height of the tide to the charted depth 
D. The depth of the water at any time is obtained by subtracting the height of the tide if it is negative 


Marina Exam Reviewer: When using a buoy as aid to navigation which of the following should be considered?

Marina Exam Reviewer

Marina Exam Reviewer

When using a buoy as aid to navigation which of the following should be considered? 

A. The buoy should be considered to always be in the charted location 
B. If the light is flashing, the buoy should be considered to be in the charted location 
C. The buoy should be considered to be in the charted position if it has been freshly surveyed 
D. The buoy may not be in the charted position 


Marina Board Exam: A single line of position combined with a deadreckoning position results in a(n)_____

Marina Board Exam

Marina Board Exam 

A single line of position combined with a deadreckoning position results in a(n)_____ 

A. estimated position 
B. fix 
C. running fix 
D. assumed position


Marina Exam for OIC: When you are steering on a pair of range lights and find the upper light is above the lower light you should__________.

Marina Exam for OIC

Marina Exam for OIC

When you are steering on a pair of range lights and find the upper light is above the lower light you should__________. 

A. come right 
B. continue on the present course 
C. come left 
D. wait until the lights are no longer in a vertical line 


Marina Exam Reviewer: What is a phenomenon in which the axis of an object wobbles when torque is applied?

Marina Exam Reviewer

Marina Exam Reviewer  What is a phenomenon in which the axis of an object wobbles when torque is applied? 

A. Torque-induced precession 
B. Wobble parallax 
C. Equinoctial eccentricity 
D. Gyroscopic inertia 


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Marina Exam for OIC; Where can the data relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidal currents be found?

Marina Exam for OIC

Marina Exam for OIC

Where can the data relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidal currents be found? 

A. Mariners Guide 
B. Tide Tables 
C. Nautical Almanac 
D. Tidal Current Tables 


Marina Exam Reviewer: What is a position obtained by applying estimated current and wind to your vessels course and speed?

Marina Exam Reviewer

Marina Exam Reviewer

What is a position obtained by applying estimated current and wind to your vessels course and speed?

A. Dead-reckoning position 
B. Assumed position 
C. Estimated positon 
D. Estimated positon 


Marina Board Exam: In which voyage, between two points, is the rhumbline distance NOT approximately the same as the great circle distance?

Marina Board Exam

Marina Board Exam

In which voyage, between two points, is the rhumbline distance NOT approximately the same as the great circle distance? 

A. The two points are in high latitudes in the same hemisphere 
B. The two points are in low latitudes in the same hemisphere 
C. The two points is near the equator, but in different hemisphere 
D. One point is near the equator, one point is in a high latitude and both are near the 180th meridian 


Marina Exam Reviewer: At evening stars, the last stars that should be observed are those with an azimuth in what quadrant?

Marina Exam Reviewer

Marina Exam Reviewer

At evening stars, the last stars that should be observed are those with an azimuth in what quadrant? 

A. Eastern 
B. Southern 
C. Western 
D. Northern 


Marina Exam for OIC: Astronomical refraction causes a celestial body to appear __________.

Marina Exam for OIC

Marina Exam for OIC 

Astronomical refraction causes a celestial body to appear __________. 

A. higher than its actual position 
B. to the left of its position in the Northern Hemisphere and to the right in the Southern Hemisphere 
C. to the right of its position in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere 
D. lower than its actual position 


OIC REVIEWER: One of the two stars in the Ursa Minor pointing to Polaris is:

One of the two stars in the Ursa Minor pointing to Polaris is: 




More Question below:

Marina Exam Reviewer: In the daily pages of the almanac, the un-shaded circle in the lower right hand corner of the almanac means;

Nautical almanac

In the daily pages of the almanac, the un-shaded circle in the lower right hand corner of the almanac means;

A.Full moon
B.New moon
C.First quarter
D.Last quarter


A.Full moon 


Marina Exam Reviewer: In what order should the following sextant adjustment be made:

Marina Exam Reviewer

Marina Exam Reviewer

In what order should the following sextant adjustment be made: I Make telescope parallel to frame of sextant II See horizon glass perpendicular to frame of sextant III Make index mirror and horizon glass parallel to frame of sextant when index arm is set to zero IV Set index mirror perpendicular to frame of sextant 

A. I, II, III, IV 
B. I, IV, II, III 
C. III, II, IV, I 


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Marina Board Exam: In the time diagram , the angle at the pole between the hour circle of the First point of Aries to the meridian of the observer at Greenwich is called:

Marina Board Exam

Marina Board Exam

In the time diagram , the angle at the pole between the hour circle of the First point of Aries to the meridian of the observer at Greenwich is called: 
A. SHA of Aries 
B. Right Ascension 
C. GHA of Aries 
D. Sidereal Hour Angle


Marina Exam for OIC: In the horizon system of coordinates what is equivalent to the meridian angle of the celestial equator system?

Marina Exam for OIC
Marina Exam for OIC

In the horizon system of coordinates what is equivalent to the meridian angle of the celestial equator system? 

A. Azimuth angle 
B. Zenith distance 
C. Co-latitude 
D. Altitude 


Marina Exam Reviewer: In the celestial equator system of coordinates of what is equivalent to the co-latitude of the Earth system of coordinates?

Marina Exam Reviewer

Marina Exam Reviewer

In the celestial equator system of coordinates of what is equivalent to the co-latitude of the Earth system of coordinates? 

A. Declination 
B. Zenith distance 
C. Polar distance 
D. Co-altitude 


Marina Exam for OIC: At what season is the sun farthest from the Earth at northern hemisphere?

At what season is the sun farthest from the Earth at northern hemisphere?



Marina Exam Reviewer: What sextant correction corrects the apparent altitude to the equivalent readings at the center of the Earth?

What sextant correction corrects the apparent altitude to the equivalent readings at the center of the Earth? 



Marina Exam for OIC: There are seven sources of errors in a marine sextant . Of the four errors listed, which one is adjustable?

Marina Exam for OIC

Marina Exam for OIC: 

There are seven sources of errors in a marine sextant . Of the four errors listed, which one is adjustable? 

A.Prismatic Error 
B.Graduation Error 
C.Centering Error 
D.Error of Collimation 


Marina Exam Reviewer: Zenith is the point on the __________vertically overhead of the observer.

Zenith is the point on the __________vertically overhead of the observer. 

A.celestial meridian 
B.celestial equator 
C.celestial pole 
D.celestial sphere 


D.celestial sphere 

More Reviewer below:


Marina Exam Reviewer; The optical principle of a marine sextant is , when a ray of light is reflected from a plane surface, the angle of reflection is equal to the:

The optical principle of a marine sextant is , when a ray of light is reflected from a plane surface, the angle of reflection is equal to the:

A.Angle of incidence
B.Angle of deflection
C.Angle of refraction
D.Angle of interaction


A.Angle of incidence

More Review Question below

Marina Exam Reviewer: The index error is determined by adjusting the ____________.

Marina Exam Reviewer

The index error is determined by adjusting the ____________.

A.horizon glass
B.sextant frame
C.index mirror
D.micrometer drum


A sextant having an index error that is on the arc has a ________.

A sextant having an index error that is on the arc has a ________. 

a)negative correction
b)positive correction
c)dip error
d)semidiameter error


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Buhay Marino

Kailangan ng tapang at sakripisyo upang maging isang magiting na marino.


The most reliable form of navigational system in the high seas, is __________.

The most reliable form of navigational system in the high seas, is __________.

A.Nav satellite system
B.Celestial Navigation


In general, the most effective period for observing stars and planets occurs during the darker limit of __

In general, the most effective period for observing stars and planets occurs during the darker limit of ___.

B.astronomical twilight
C.nautical twilight
D.civil twilight


Marina Exam for OIC:Error in an instrument due to inaccurate pivoting of a moving part, as the index arm of a marine sextant.

Marina Exam for OIC

Marina Exam for OIC:Error in an instrument due to inaccurate pivoting of a moving part, as the index arm of a marine sextant.

A.Centering error
B.Index error
C.Graduation error
D.Prismatic error


A.Centering error 

More Question Below:


OIC NAVIGATIONAL WATCH: Index error of a sextant is primarily caused by ___________.

Index error of a sextant is primarily caused by ___________.

A.improperly correcting the errors in the sextant
B.the horizon glass not being parallel to the horizon mirror
C.human error in taking the celestial observation
D.the horizon glass not being parallel to the index mirror


Vertical circle with passes through the east and west point of the horizon

Vertical circle with passes through the east and west point of the horizon. vertical circle
B.hour circle
C.vertical circle
D.principal vertical circle


In the celestial equator system of coordinates of what is equivalent to the co-latitude of the Earth system of coordinates?

In the celestial equator system of coordinates of what is equivalent to the co-latitude of the Earth system of coordinates? 

A. Declination 
B. Co-altitude 
C. Zenith distance 
D. Polar distance 


This is the tabulated interpolated for increments of latitude, declination or hour angle.

Marina Exam Reviewer,

This is the tabulated interpolated for increments of latitude, declination or hour angle.

A.Computed altitude
B.Apparent altitude
C.True altitude
D.Observed altitude


Marina Board Exam: The opposite of the elevated pole is the _____

Marina Board Exam

The opposite of the elevated pole is the ________.

A.depressed pole
B.centripetal pole
C.circumpolar pole


26 September 2017 (REPLAY) 2017 FIBA Asia Championship Cup Chooks To Go vs Petrochimi

26 September 2017 (REPLAY) 2017 FIBA Asia Championship Cup Chooks To Go vs Petrochimi

SHOW DESCRIPTION:The 2017 FIBA Asia Champions Cup is the 26th staging of the FIBA Asia Champions Cup, the international basketball club tournament of FIBA Asia. The tournament takes place in Chenzhou, China from 22 September to 30 September 2017.



What is the difference between the observed altitude and the computed altitude?

What is the difference between the observed altitude and the computed altitude?

A.Position line



More Question below:

Marina Exam 2017: Apparent altitude is sextant altitude corrected for __________.

Marina Exam 2017

Apparent altitude is sextant altitude corrected for __________.

A.double-second difference
B.chronometer error and dip
C.difference in assumed latitude and actual latitude
D.inaccuracies in the reading and reference level


Marina Exam Reviewer: The tabulation data in the Nautical Almanac is for:

Marina Exam Reviewer:   The tabulation data in the Nautical Almanac is for: 

A.3 days
B.4 days
C.2 days
D.1 day


One of the two stars pointing to Polaris in the Ursa Major is the:

Marina Exam Reviewer

One of the two stars pointing to Polaris in the Ursa Major is the:



When the faces of the sextant shade glasses and mirrors are not parallel, the error is called

When the faces of the sextant shade glasses and mirrors are not parallel, the error is called

A.centering error
B.prismatic error
C.index error
D.graduation error


Monday, September 25, 2017

Marina Exam for OIC: A one knot current has approximately the same effect on a given surface area as a:

Marina Exam for OIC:

Marina Exam for OIC: A one knot current has approximately the same effect on a given surface area as a:

A.10 knot wind
B.15 knot wind
C.20 knot wind
D.30- knot wind


A.10 knot wind 

More here:

Marina Exam Reviewer:The observer is at Equator and the celestial body is at the First Point of Capricorn, the bearing of the celestial body during meridian transit is:

Marina Exam Reviewer

The observer is at Equator and the celestial body is at the First Point of Capricorn, the bearing of the celestial body during meridian transit is:

A.20 degrees South
B.360 degrees
C.180 degrees
D.15 degrees North


C.180 degrees 

More Question below:

OIC NAVIGATIONAL WATCH:The standard sea level pressure of the atmosphere is:


The standard sea level pressure of the atmosphere is:

A.1013.25 millibars of mercury
B.1013.52 millibars of mercury
C.1012.35 millibars of mercury
D.1012.45 millibars of mercury


In Meteorology, the unit of atmospheric pressure used in synoptic charts is the hectoPascal. One hectoPascal (hPa) is equal to:

In Meteorology, the unit of atmospheric pressure used in synoptic charts is the hectoPascal. One hectoPascal (hPa) is equal to:

A.100 millibars
B.10 Pascals
C.1000 millibars
D.1 millibar


D.1 millibar

More Question below:


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