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Sunday, September 3, 2017

Scary Footage of Pilot Embarkation operation in Rough Seas

A video footage was posted on facebook group. Luckily no accident occurs but being a seaferer is not an easy job.

                                   PILOT EMBARKATION OPERATION

The decision whether or not to put a pilot boat alongside a ship is the responsibility of the pilot boat coxswain.  In all cases the decision as to whether or not to board the ship must be the responsibility of the Pilot involved.  When on deck both the deckhand and the Pilot must wear buoyancy aids as required and approved by the CHA and worn in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.  It is strongly recommended that whilst on deck the deckhand is secured to the pilot boat by an approved method which does not restrict his freedom of movement.  Provided that the ladder has been rigged at the correct height, the deckhand should proceed forward, up the safest side of the pilot boat side deck (normally the outboard side), and be ready to lift the end of the ladder clear as the pilot boat comes alongside the ship. It is important that the ladder does not become trapped between the ship and the pilot boat because this may result in excessive strain on the ladder and possible damage to the ladder and/or the boat.


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