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Monday, July 16, 2018

Bulk Carrier Banned for Underpaying Crew from Australian Ports

bulk carrier MV Shandong Hai Wang

The Hong Kong bulk carrier MV Shandong Hai Wang will not be able to visit Australia for a year after it was discovered that its crew had been deliberately underpaid.

After receiving information from the International Transport Workers’ Federation, Australian Maritime Safety Authority’s (AMSA) who sanctioned the ban, found the claimed inconsistencies in staff compensation, that crew had been deliberately underpaid by about AUD 56,000 (USD 41, 366) breaking the International Transport Workers’ Federation the Maritime Labour Convention’s legislation on seafarers' rights to decent working conditions.

Allan Schwartz, AMSA’s General Manager of Operations said AMSA would not tolerate ships that underpay their crew in Australia.

“The international conventions that protect seafarers' rights are very clear." He said, adding "This is the fourth time in the last year that a ship has been banned from Australian ports for underpaying crew.

“Ships visiting Australian ports are put on notice. The next ship we find deliberately and repeatedly underpaying its crew and attempting to deceive authorities can expect an even more severe penalty than that handed to the Shandong Hai Wang.”



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