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Friday, September 1, 2017

5 Things (Seafarers) to keep in mind Before Signing Off From Ship

You received a mail stating “you will be signing off from this port, on this date” Ohh La! The much awaited day is here! After a long and tedious stint at sea, finally, you will be going home. The day of the sign off from the ship is the most delightful, agitated day for each and every sailor. 
However, at some point, seafarers tend to ignore the essential things that are imperative to the signing off. Passport, important documents, money, luggage are the things that are only in their mind in the rush to get home just to see their loved ones. 
Thus, in order to ensure that the seafarers enjoy the sign off process without jeopardizing what is essential, a few important points must keep in their mind:

1. Passport and CDC
The two most important documents for any Seafarer – passport and CDC, ought to be checked thoroughly. The master of the vessel signs the document each time a seaman is signed off from the vessel certifying his experience on board. The stamp indicating the sea service must be checked in the CDC. Every seafarer must carry this document, which is also an official and legal record of his sea experience and training records. 

2. Other Important Documents
Other documents that have been handed over to the master at the time of joining, such as the yellow fever vaccination certificate, STCW certificates, Sea service letter, COC, etc. must be checked for and received. Confirm the letter for the appropriate signatures and stamps wherever required. These documents also form the pillar of a seafarer’s essential paperwork and are prime most important to you.
The travel tickets must be checked for accuracy. Check the travel itinerary, including boarding, departure and arrival timings. Double check your airline ticket if your name is spelled correctly. Make sure that you write down your company’s agent’s number for any questions/help. Any paperwork with regard to your exit visa and immigration process must be checked thoroughly. Keep important documents handy and ready in your hand baggage in case any authority (airport, customs etc.) asks for a certain document. Remember that you’re signing off in an alien country wherein you must have all your documents in order to prevent any scope of unnecessary interrogation.

3. Cash
Seafarer wants to get their hands on the most important thing in while signing off- money!  Before you sign off settle all the salary and unpaid amount of the company and also your provision bills. Any balance that is due/cash advance that has been asked for must be counted and received (along with the pay slip). Cross checking with the pay slip must be done to ensure that all transactions are clear and any duly payable amount has been cleared.

4. Know the Local Laws and Custom
In all likeability, a seafarer signs off at a country he is not a citizen of. In that case, know the local laws and customs and respect and abide them.     

5. Warm Regards
The day of the sign off is the happiest day in a seafarer’s life and it should be kept that way. It is a good practice to say bye to all the people on board, a good hug perhaps with everyone is always a nice gesture.

Enjoy the happy memories you had while you are onboard and with your colleagues. Perhaps you have a video and photos that you took on your sailing time don’t forget to collect all of those. Enjoy the sign off process mate! You deserve to be back home and enjoy your hard earned money in the things and with the people that you love.



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